What is Content Marketing and how FIO Branding can help?

Content Marketing is a strategy that involves the creation and sharing of online material such as videos, blogs, and social media posts. The content should not overtly promote your brand but rather is intended to stimulate interest in your products or services. This process includes planning, creating, managing, implementing, maintaining and assessing all content within your organization. FIO Branding will build a brand identity and online presence through the creation and distribution of multimedia content online.

Content Marketing Statistics

The Different Types of Content Marketing

There are many different forms of content marketing. You can see the list of services FIO Branding offers below.


Blog marketing is any method that publicizes or advertises a website, business, brand or service via the medium of blogs. With FIO Branding, we can establish a monthly blog for your brand to ensure you’re getting the correct message out to your audience.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a method of direct marketing that utilizes a list of emails sent to help promote your brand or its services. With FIO Branding Email Marketing we will come up with an email strategy that will help alert your customers to make them aware of your most recent offers or changes. This is a great way to get out a monthly newsletter or just connect with your audience without much overhead.


Podcasting allows you to hyper-target your audience, it can also help establish credibility, drive brand awareness and grow your audience. With FIO Branding, we can help you establish your own Podcast and work with you on topics and messaging that would help attract a bigger audience for your brand.

SEO/Website Content

Although Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t necessarily a part of content marketing, content marketing can have a major impact on your SEO performance. FIO Branding knows this and we do have separate SEO services where we can update the content on your current website to help make your brand more visible for your target audience.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is the method of using videos to advertise and market your brand or services, increase engagement on different social outlets, educate your customers and help reach your audience through a new medium. With FIO Branding we can set up a video marketing campaign to improve your brand awareness and increase the reach of your brand’s message.

Visual Content

Visual marketing refers to the use of images or graphics to express valuable information in an appealing visual format. FIO Branding’s visual content is designed to attract people to your brand. Some visual marketing examples include logos, images with educational or inspiring text, infographics, and “signature branded images” that promote written, audio, or video content.


Webinar marketing is a method of creating an online seminar with a broad audience to help promote your business. FIO Branding can help you plan and promote webinars for your brand. This can include general topics your audience is interested in, general Q&A session or just a promotion of your brand.

Need additional marketing services?

If you don’t see the content you want from the list above, please reach out to us at FIO Branding, we’d be happy to help put your content to work for you.tent Goes Here

What to expect from FIO Branding Content Marketing?

With the proper content strategy, your brand will see see a nice increase of traffic to your website. A good strategy will drive this traffic to key landing pages on your website. You’ll also see a spreading of your brand awareness across your target audiences. Therefore, the right strategy can be key to connecting with these audiences. Ultimately, this allows FIO Branding to develop that relationship between them and your brand.

All of these factors from content marketing can lead to a higher revenue for you brand. We will help in generating social sharing and backlinks to help drive more awareness to your brand’s website. FIO Branding understands the importance of a well strategized content marketing plan. Therefore, we will create your brand awareness grows and flourishes when working with us.

Content Marketing Statistics

The Advantages of utilizing Content Marketing

  • One major advantage is it’s a very cost-effective approach to marketing. Typically a good strategy will deliver better results than traditional marketing efforts. And furthermore, the results tend to improve over time as well.

  • By utilizing quality content, you can drive a larger audience to your website. By delivering relevant traffic to the site, you’ll improve your inbound leads from your website.

  • It allows you to improve your brand awareness, as well as establish trust and loyalty with your target audience. By producing relevant and helpful information, your audience will begin to trust you more. As a result, they are more likely to become customers of your brand. This can also help build your authority within your brand’s industry. People will start to see your brand as an expert within your industry if done correctly.

  • One of the best impacts content marketing can have on your brand is the growth in your brand’s SEO. By continually adding new and relevant content through different media outlets it allows your brand to impact how often it’s showing in search result pages. If done correctly, search engines like Google and Bing will see your brand’s website as active, relevant and informative.

The Disadvantages of utilizing Content Marketing

  • This style of marketing can be extremely time-consuming. In order to be relevant, your brand needs to post routinely to attract your customers. You’ll also have to engage them as well to understand their problems and situations.

  • This type of marketing can be very difficult to maintain and manage. In order to be successful you’ll need to do plenty of research. This needs to be done to understand what content is relevant for your audience and how often you should post. From there, you’ll need be able to assess the results of your marketing efforts.

  • Finding relevant topics and ideas for this type of marketing can be harder than it looks. That’s why it’s important to thoroughly research your target audience. By doing this, it allows you to understand topics and ideas they find important and organize content accordingly.

  • This method of marketing requires a lot of creativity and skills. From graphic design to blog topics, there are numerous outlets for content marketing. Beyond that, each one requires different skills in order to be effective with this style of marketing.

FAQ’s regarding Content Marketing

Can Content Marketing help my brand?

Whether you’re a small or a large company, content marketing can help you connect with your target audience. It can give you a major advantage in your brand’s industry. As well as give you a way to establish trust and loyalty with your customers. Depending on your business goals, it can help benefit your brand in several different ways. One of the major benefits is that it will help improve brand awareness. This is especially true if the content you create has an informative approach. As a result of the right strategy, you should see more traffic being driven to your website. This ultimately will help increase your leads and will see a boost with sales as a result..

Can Content Marketing help get my brand more leads?

Yes, with the proper strategy you can help deliver more traffic to your website. As a result, you’re likely to see an increase in overall leads for your brand. Content can also be created specifically as a conversion tactic. For example, your brand could use infographics, eBooks or Case Studies. Usually, you can require your target audience to opt-in to content like this. Therefore, you can then gather their contact information. From there, you can continually send them promotional offers and informative content regarding your brand.

What is a common mistake most brands make with Content Marketing?

When it comes to Content Marketing, it’s vital that your brand has a logical strategy. If you go in throwing darts at the board blindly, you’re already set up for failure. To develop a successful content strategy, your brand first needs to recognize who your target audience is. Hence, you’ll want to know what kinds of content they want. From there you can understand how your brand can offer the greatest value to your audience. One of the best approaches to understanding your audience is creating customer personas. As a result, it gives you some reasoning as to why your audience is shopping your brand. Ultimately giving you the answer to how you can approach them effectively.

What type of Content should my brand be producing?

This depends on your brand’s goals, but there are several different forms of content you could utilize to help grow your brand. Some of the most essential forms of content marketing is blog posts or related articles that can help your target audience comprehend what your brand is about and the services or products that you offer. Case studies, eBooks and white papers can be used to give a more in-depth scope of your brand’s industry. Other visual content can also be effective, utilizing content like infographics or videos give you an option to deliver a message where text wouldn’t suffice.

How much content should I be producing for my brand?

How often or frequent you should be posting will be unique to your brand. The important things for brands to remember here is to have a set schedule, whether you’re a lifestyle brand creating daily content to an actual corporation that is only posting a few times a month. By routinely posting content you will help increase your brand’s dependability and ensure that your audience expects your new content.

What’s the difference between Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing?

Although these two types of marketing strategies are different, most brands combine their efforts when it comes to content and social media marketing. By combining both these strategies, it ensures that your brand is optimizing your marketing efforts. While both content marketing and social media marketing utilize written, graphic and video content, the main difference is that social media marketing has to take place on a social media outlet such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. where content marketing can apply to any content that appears outside these social media outlets.

How can we be sure that Content Marketing is working for my brand?

As with any strategy, it’s important that you have a way to track your results and ensure you’re getting a good ROI for your brand. Before investing in Content Marketing, it’s important to understand your brand’s goals and work with your content marketing team to ensure you follow metrics to show how your brand can obtain those goals. For example, if your brand is trying to improve its overall awareness then you would want to track your overall website traffic, bounce rate or social media shares. If your brand is trying to generate more sales, then tracking your leads, conversion rate and average time to close would be better metrics to follow.

How long will it take until our brand starts to see results from Content Marketing?

Content Marketing shouldn’t be viewed as a short-term or immediate impact type of strategy. Although you might see a surge of leads and content being shared on social outlets within the first couple of months of launching your content marketing campaigns, most of your expectations and goals should be set for long-term. With the proper content marketing strategy, you’ll be providing relevant and helpful information to your audience which can help build your brand and create loyalty which in turn leads to more conversions and ultimately more sales for your brand.

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