What are Paid Advertising Campaigns?

Are you struggling to see your brand show and see an immediate impact on the web? Well paid advertising campaigns could offer you the best solution. With paid advertising, you pay the owner of an ad space in exchange for use of that space.

In today’s digital marketing world, there are a number of different paid advertising campaigns you can utilize. Because of this, it’s important to know which methods are most effective grow your brand. Some effective approaches include search engine, display and social media campaigns.

Digital Marketing and Paid Advertising Campaign Statistics
Digital Marketing and Paid Advertising Campaigns Statistics

What are Search Engine Marketing Campaigns?

Search Engine marketing allows your brand to rise above the organic results in search engines the quickest way possible. This will focus on specific keywords or phrases that you would like your brand to show for in search engines.

So how does FIO Branding handle Search Engine Advertising for your brand?

With Search Engine Advertising you’ll show above organic results on Google and Bing result pages. This is a result of paying for that top position in those search result pages. With most Search Campaigns you’re paying each time your add is actually interacted with or a Pay Per Click (PPC) method.

FIO Branding will come up with a strategy that focuses on specific keywords related to your industry or brand. FIO Branding will start with a deep dive into your current target market. By doing this, we come up with a strategy based on your customer’s data to ensure that we’re getting these ads in front of the right audience. Ultimately, this leads to a much higher conversion rate and finding you new clients.

What are Display Advertising Campaigns?

Display advertising campaigns are a form of digital marketing that utilizes photos, videos, logos or other graphics. The idea is to entice users to click on the ad and be taken to a specific landing page. Ultimately, Display Advertising’s goal is to use an image that resonates with your audience. Over time and repetition of seeing these ads, your audience will begin to recognize your brand naturally. Using a visual stimulant over just text might persuade a potential buyer to take action and actually click on the display ad.

At FIO Branding we use these types of campaigns to help increase your brand awareness. Also, we want to help re-engage users who have previously been to your website. We will build out ads that deliver the message you want for your brand and will resonate with your audience.

So how does FIO Branding handle Display Advertising for your brand?

FIO Branding will take the time to figure out who your brand’s audience is. As a result, we identify the specific traits and characteristics of your audience.

From there we can use one of several different Display Campaigns to target this specific audience. By honing in on a specific audience, you increase the chance of these display ads converting for your brand.

There are several forms of display advertisements that we can use for your brand. Typically the most common form is through a Remarketing Campaign. This style of campaign targets past users from your website. As a result, remarketing tends to be the most effective approach. These ads only appear to people who express interest in your brand. Because you know they’ve been to your website, you can assume they have interest in your services.

Other than remarketing campaigns, FIO Branding can use display campaigns to target by a specific website placement, interest, context or topic. Therefore allowing you a wide variety of ways to display your brand’s image to potential customers.

Display Advertising Statistics
Social Media Advertising Statistics

What are Social Media Campaigns?

Social Media Advertising campaigns are kind of a spinoff of digital marketing. In summary, social media ad campaigns (typically display or video campaigns) run on social media platforms to reach targeted audiences.

As a result, you can support your brand and increase sales through social channels that their customers frequently use. These can range from any and all social media platform. This includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SnapChat, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

So how does FIO Branding handle Social Media Advertising for your brand?

FIO Branding will be able to target audiences via specific demographics using your Social Media campaigns. Ultimately, making them extremely effective because FIO Branding takes the time to get to know who your audience. We will work with your brand on different strategies on how we want to target this audience. As a result, we can formulate a strategy based on this audience and get you the best bang for your buck.

The Advantages of Utilizing a Paid Search Campaign Strategy

  • One of the best things about paid advertising campaigns is that it works instantly. Because of this, you’ll be able to see your ad appear immediately and the quick results it can deliver.

  • Paid Advertising campaign options give you tight control over every dollar you spend on advertising. So if you have a tight budget but still want to advertise, you can control exactly how much you spend each month.

  • You’re able to target your specific audience with Paid Advertising. Therefore, there are many ways to specifically target by demographic, location, time of day, etc. Ultimately ensuring that we get your ads in front of the right audience.

  • Paid advertising allows for conversion tracking and detailed data analytics. Not only can you control every dollar you spend, but you’ll be able to track what each dollar spent produced for your brand.

The Disadvantage of utilizing a Paid Advertising Campaign

  • Longevity can be an issue with Paid Advertising. Your leads may dry up immediately because you are no longer paying for ads. Therefore, it might not be your best option if you don’t intend on maintaining a budget

  • Although you have control over every dollar you spend, it doesn’t mean that it will be cheap. In some cases, competition in your area can drive up prices. As a result, bidding wars can arise for people targeting the same keywords or audiences in your area.

  • You pay for each click your ad gets. Ultimately, this could be a potential customer, a competitor, or just a general inquiry. So it’s important to know what you’re doing to ensure you’re getting these ads in front of the right audience.

  • Consumers are smart and tend to ignore sponsored ads. These different platforms identify all of these paid ads. As a result, some consumers tend to skip over them.

FAQ’s for Paid Advertising Campaigns

What is paid media?

Paid media is any external marketing effort that involves a paid placement. It can include PPC advertising, branded content and display ads.

What is Paid Search Advertising?

Paid Search advertising is a system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords or phrases in order for them to rank on different Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.).

Why should my brand use pay-per-click advertising?

There are many reasons but some of the main benefits to paid advertising are that it’s scalable, measurable, flexible, faster and easier than SEO, it’s taking over Search Engine Result pages, it’s engaging, it converts, it complements your other marketing channels and your competition is on it.

How does Pay-Per-Click Advertising work?

Search Engine Systems like Google and Bing function as an auction system, where you can bid on specific keywords or phrases in order to place your brand’s ad in the search results when people search on terms related to those keywords or phrases. However, the highest bid doesn’t always win you the top spot, it comes down to the quality, relevance and organization of your advertising campaign.

Why should my brand use Facebook Ads?

Facebook gives the most granular audience targeting options and can be an extremely powerful tactic to grow your brand.

How do Facebook Ads work?

Facebook ads consist of what the ad looks like and where on Facebook the ad will appear. With Facebook’s targeting options, you pick your audience you want to advertise to, the budget for what you want to spend, and an objective or goal of what you want to accomplish with these ads.

How much should I spend on different Paid Advertising Campaigns?

There is not right answer to this question, as it will be unique from brand to brand based on what their available budget is. A good way to think about your advertising expenses is think about how much revenue you’re trying to produce and then think backwards. Start with the results you’d like to hit then start advertising to create enough data to find what the average cost per sale or lead is for your brand. Then we can optimize and scale the campaign to try and hit your revenue goals.

How much should I spend on different Paid Advertising Campaigns?

There is not right answer to this question, as it will be unique from brand to brand based on what their available budget is. A good way to think about your advertising expenses is think about how much revenue you’re trying to produce and then think backwards. Start with the results you’d like to hit then start advertising to create enough data to find what the average cost per sale or lead is for your brand. Then we can optimize and scale the campaign to try and hit your revenue goals.

What is the difference between Paid Search Advertising and Social Media Advertising?

Paid Search advertising, such as Google Ads or Bing Ads, operate on the concept of pull marketing. This marketing targets people who have already established what they want through their search queries.

Social Media advertising, such as Facebook or Instagram, operate on the concept of push marketing. With this style of marketing the audience isn’t searching for products or services on these social media platforms, which is why you have to be careful when it comes to your audience targeting, creative messaging and offers to attract potential customers.

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